Topic, Author, and Date
Show details for ActionsActions
Show details for AgentsAgents
Show details for AppletsApplets
Show details for Bugs/WorkaroundsBugs/Workarounds
Show details for COMCOM
Show details for CSS (StyleSheets)CSS (StyleSheets)
Show details for E-CommerceE-Commerce
Show details for FieldsFields
Show details for FlashFlash
Show details for Forms/SubformsForms/Subforms
Show details for FormulasFormulas
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Show details for GeneralGeneral
Show details for HotspotsHotspots
Show details for HTMLHeadHTMLHead
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Hide details for LotusScriptLotusScript
New document IconAdministrative Server and Am I Template Checks for Agents (Tripp W Black 01/02/2013)
New document IconAgent Code to Attach Files and Detach Attachments into and from Domino Documents. (Tripp W Black 07/08/2003)
New document IconAgent Delete Error: Cannot remove agent belonging to another user (Tripp W Black 10/02/2011)
New document IconAgent Example of Working with TimeDate Values and Setting a Field with One (Tripp W Black 12/05/2000)
New document IconAgent for Event Handler (Tripp W Black 07/29/2008)
New document IconAgent to Take a View and Export its Column & Row Data to Text File & Attach the Text File to a Page. (Tripp W Black 03/16/2001)
New document IconAgent to Update Field Values Needing a Replace String Operation (Tripp W Black 06/03/2002)
New document IconAgent Unable to Access Drive When Server Running as NT Service (Tripp W Black 03/06/2003)
New document IconAJAX Sample for Domino (Tripp W Black 12/19/2005)
New document IconAlphanumeric Counter (Tripp W Black 03/20/2012)
New document IconAppend a New Value to an Existing Field's List of Values (Tripp W Black 12/09/2015)
New document IconAssign Elements to an Array / Script Table (Tripp W Black 07/05/2000)
New document IconAuto Thumbnail Images using LotusScript in Notes/Domino R6

(Tripp W Black 07/05/2005)
New document IconBubble Sort - Text List Alphabetical Sort (Tripp W Black 07/26/2000)
New document IconBuild List of Groups / People Using Database Role (Tripp W Black 12/22/2005)
New document IconBuild List (String) Array from Profile Multivalue Field (Tripp W Black 11/23/2005)
New document IconButton Code to Append one RTF on another RTF (Rich Text Field) (Tripp W Black 10/22/2000)
New document IconButton to Browse and Select System Folder (Tripp W Black 01/10/2011)
New document IconCalculate a Person's Age from a Birth Date Field (Tripp W Black 03/07/2001)
New document IconCalendar Application Notifications (Tripp W Black 01/25/2005)
New document IconChange a Group's Name Using AdminP (Tripp Black 06/11/2010)
New document IconChange Internet Password & Reset Internet Password Code Samples (Updated) (Tripp W Black 04/06/2006)
New document IconChanges Prefix/First Couple Letters of a Field to a Different Prefix Code (Tripp W Black 03/19/2001)
New document IconChanging Word Doc's User Settings via OLE in Notes Agent Script (Tripp W Black 08/10/2001)
New document IconCheck File System Date and Delete File When Past Cutoff Date (Tripp W Black 01/09/2008)
New document IconCheck Mail Filepath for NSF Extension Function (Tripp W Black 07/12/2006)
New document IconCheck User's Role in Agent Before Running Agent (Tripp Black 11/02/2005)
New document IconCode Snippet to Clear Encryption from Lotus Notes Documents (Data Notes) (Tripp W Black 02/14/2013)
New document IconColor Hex Codes with Color Names for List Substitution (Tripp W Black 09/09/2009)
New document IconCompare / Find Match in Two List Arrays (Tripp W Black 04/27/2009)
New document IconComputeWithForm (Tripp W Black 12/01/2009)
New document IconConcatenate Two String Lists (Tripp W Black 06/20/2009)
New document IconConvert Entry Column Value for ViewEntry to String (Tripp W Black 12/29/2005)
New document IconConvert NotesName Format via LS (Tripp W Black 08/30/2006)
New document IconCopy Text from Notes RTF into MS Word File (Tripp W Black 08/09/2001)
New document IconCopy View from Source Application to Destination Application (Tripp W Black 02/01/2013)
New document IconCreate A Notes Folder via LotusScript (Tripp W Black 07/06/2011)
New document IconCreate Replica Function Sample Code (Tripp W Black 09/28/2010)
New document IconCreate Response Using Script While In Parent (Tripp W Black 08/26/1999)
New document IconCSV Import Script and Export Script (Tripp Black 09/24/2010)
New document IconCurrency Formatting w/ LotusScript (Tripp W Black 10/24/2012)
New document IconDate Comparison Script to Verify a Date Is Between Two Others (a Range) (Tripp W Black 10/08/2003)
New document IconDbLookup (@DbLookup) Function Using LotusScript (Tripp W Black 08/31/2004)
New document IconDelete Document w LotusScript Including Children in Hierarchy (Tripp W Black 04/30/2001)
New document IconDelete the Open Document and Delete the Currently Selected Documents (Tripp W Black 01/30/2013)
New document IconDisplay a Profile Document to Delete It or Get Values and Recreate Lost Mailfile Manually (Tripp W Black 05/03/2010)
New document IconDisplay a Random Document in a Collection Each Display from Web or Client (Tripp W Black 06/14/2000)
New document IconDuplicate E-mail Check for Contacts App (Tripp W Black 01/26/2013)
New document IconDXL for Version Control (Tripp W Black 12/01/2003)
New document IconEmail to Internet Mail via LotusScript (Tripp W Black 08/26/1999)
New document IconEmbed Multiple Attachments into a RTF in a Notes Document (Tripp W Black 03/01/2001)
New document IconEmpty Mail Box Trash Sample Code (Tripp W Black 09/28/2010)
New document IconExample code for NotesHTTPRequest w/TLS 1.2. (Tripp W Black 10/11/2018)
New document IconExcel Export Script Using Excel COM Objects (Tripp W Black 06/05/2005)
New document IconExcel Import Script Using OLE and Notes Client and Compatibility of Data Exchange (Tripp W Black 11/12/2003)
New document IconExplode, Implode, and Unique Equivalent in LotusScript (Tripp W Black 12/15/2003)
New document IconExtract Items in an Array (Find and Remove one Item from List) (Tripp W Black 03/07/2001)
New document IconField Values Manipulation Functions (Tripp W Black 09/12/2007)
New document IconFile Input / Output Utility Functions (Tripp W Black 04/12/2006)
New document IconFile Test To See If a File Exists and Test to See if Folder Path Exists (Tripp W Black 05/05/2006)
New document IconFind and Replace for All Items in a Group of Documents (Tripp W Black 06/11/2002)
New document IconFind Group Members in Groups that Might Be Nested (Tripp W Black 04/12/2010)
New document IconFix Broken / Remove Shadow Mail Rules from Mail Application (Tripp W Black 08/17/2012)
New document IconFolder Create Function (Tripp W Black 05/29/2006)
New document IconFolder (Files) Copying via LotusScript (Tripp Black 12/12/2007)
New document IconFormat$ Examples (Tripp W Black 11/26/2007)
New document IconForward Current Doc Function (Using NotesNewsletter and RenderToRTF) (Tripp W Black 03/28/2013)
New document IconFunction to Check for Duplicate Documents Based in a View Based on Key Field/Column (Tripp W Black 03/27/2001)
New document IconFunction to Replace Leading Characters of a String (Tripp W Black 04/25/2003)
New document IconFunction to Test If Two Lists/Arrays are Same (Tripp W Black 06/05/2009)
New document IconGeocaching Encryption/Decryption Script Solutions (Tripp W Black 09/20/2003)
New document IconGet a Field Value from a Person Document Function (Tripp W Black 02/26/2011)
New document IconGet an Agent as Document via LotusScript (Tripp W Black 07/06/2011)
New document IconGet and Open Database Example LS Function (Tripp W Black 05/02/2010)
New document IconGet Selected Documents in View Generic Code (Tripp W Black 07/29/2013)
New document IconGet Temp Folder on Windows / Mac OSX / Linux (Tripp W Black 01/10/2011)
New document IconGet WeekDay from FIELD Date Value (Tripp W Black 11/03/2011)
New document IconHow do you automatically filter mail in Notes? (Tripp W Black 08/26/1999)
New document IconHow do you force the user to click an Edit action button to edit a
document? (Tripp W Black 08/26/1999)
New document IconHow to Add a Form Widget (Tripp W Black 07/30/2008)
New document IconHow to Customize Search Results for Web Browsers Using LotusScript (Tripp W Black 05/31/2001)
New document IconHow to make web users confirm their selections in multi-value keywords? (Tripp W Black 08/26/1999)
New document IconHow to send a doc and its form using an action button? (Tripp W Black 08/26/1999)
New document IconIssue Refresh of All Views in an Application/Database (Tripp W Black 03/17/2011)
New document IconI/O File Export Functions Variation (Tripp W Black 11/19/2007)
New document IconLocal Replica File Path (db.Filepath) & Trimming Extra Folder Info (Tripp W Black 01/08/2004)
New document IconLogging Document Deletions from a Database within that database (Tripp W Black 02/07/2001)
New document IconLook for Duplicate Entries in a View and Delete the Extra (Tripp W Black 11/11/1999)
New document IconLotusScript Example of Evaluate to Remove One Name in a List/Group (Tripp W Black 08/15/2000)
New document IconLotusScript Replacement for @Right @Left @Contains and Related Functions (Tripp W Black 07/10/2003)
New document IconLotusScript Sample Code to Compare View Entries/Docs to Array of Strings in a Field and Create/Update/Delete Docs Based on the Array (Tripp W Black 07/11/2003)
New document IconLotusScript Sample Code to Left Trim and Trim a String at the End of a Number and Modify It (Tripp W Black 07/11/2003)
New document IconLotusScript Signature Capture (via SigPlus) Sample Script (Tripp W Black 11/27/2004)
New document IconLotusScript Tips (Tripp W Black 07/27/2000)
New document IconLotusScript Troublshooting - String Translation Problem (Tripp W Black 08/26/1999)
New document IconLotusScript Version of @Unique (Tripp W Black 10/17/2000)
New document IconLotusScript @ReplaceSubstring Equivalent (Updated) (Tripp W Black 07/11/2003)
New document IconLotusScript/Visual Basic Random Number Generator (Tripp W Black 11/13/2000)
New document IconLS Equivalent of @Ends (Tripp W Black 05/16/2013)
New document IconMake Directory(ies) Sample LotusScript Code (Tripp W Black 06/03/2005)
New document IconMS Windows Clipboard Woes (Tripp W Black 07/20/2024)
New document IconNotes View Export to Microsoft Access Using LotusScript and COM/OLE (Tripp W Black 05/14/2000)
New document IconNotesHTTPRequest Tips (Tripp W Black 03/20/2019)
New document IconNumber Documents Sequentially using an Agent (Tripp W Black 02/03/2000)
New document IconParse Query_String / Query_String_Decoded Script (Tripp W Black 11/20/2003)
New document IconPDF Printing from Lotus Notes/Domino Tips (Tripp Black 07/20/2007)
New document IconPrinting a Document with SendKeys (Tripp Black 05/09/2009)
New document IconProgrammatically Update View Selection Formula (Tripp W Black 03/05/2010)
New document IconProgress Percent Bars for Notes Client Status Bar (Tripp Black 06/23/2010)
New document IconQueryDocumentDelete Database Script Event Code Example (Tripp W Black 06/19/2001)
New document IconRebuild Folders in Domino.Doc Database (Tripp W Black 03/29/2001)
New document IconRecord Locking of Documents/Replicas Across Servers (Tripp W Black 04/15/2002)
New document IconReformat Date from YYYYMMDD to MM/DD/YYYY (Tripp Black 12/10/2008)
New document IconRefresh a document's fields after one field is changed (Tripp W Black 08/26/1999)
New document IconRefresh a View's Index (Tripp W Black 12/17/2002)
New document IconRefresh Computed Fields without a Keyword Field (Tripp W Black 08/26/1999)
New document IconRefresh/Update the View of a Document Saved (Tripp W Black 11/07/2007)
New document IconRemove a File Attachment from a Form (Tripp W Black 02/27/2001)
New document IconRemove a List Entry from a Notes Item with a Text List (Tripp W Black 02/27/2001)
New document IconReplace List Item - Similar to @Replace Function (Tripp W Black 10/22/2003)
New document IconReplace Notes Names w/E-mail Addresses from Secondary Directory (Tripp W Black 12/14/2012)
New document IconReplace / Copy Document Item Value (Tripp W Black 06/25/2005)
New document IconReplaceSubstring (Reverse) for Slashes in LotusScript (Tripp W Black 06/12/2002)
New document IconResponse Doc - Making a Child to a Parent in the Background (Tripp W Black 08/26/1999)
New document IconRetrieve Parameter Values Script (Tripp W Black 05/01/2005)
New document IconReverse / Replace Slashes in a String (Tripp W Black 02/27/2001)
New document IconRich Text Computation & Formating (Tripp W Black 08/26/1999)
New document IconRules for creating LotusScript agents that execute from a Web browser. (Tripp W Black 08/26/1999)
New document IconSample Code for Action Button from Approval Application using LotusScript for Validation (Tripp W Black 02/08/2003)
New document IconSample Code to Re-create User Personal Contact Applications (Tripp W Black 04/07/2012)
New document IconSaveOptions="0" Not Working in WebQuerySave (Tripp W Black 12/15/2002)
New document IconScript to Record Lock a Document (Tripp W Black 07/05/2000)
New document IconScripts that work on web (Tripp W Black 08/26/1999)
New document IconSelect a Server / Database Code Sample (Tripp W Black 07/30/2005)
New document IconShell Script Sample (Includes Sleep) (Tripp W Black 08/19/2005)
New document IconSimple Function Wrapper for getting a ViewEntry Document UNID (Tripp W Black 01/02/2021)
New document IconStrip/Remove Path Info from a File Path (Tripp W Black 02/27/2001)
New document IconSwitch Printer and E-mail PDF (Tripp W Black 01/28/2011)
New document IconSwitch Responses Parent (Tripp W Black 08/26/1999)
New document IconTake a Notes View of Documents and Export their Values to a Word Table (Tripp W Black 11/30/1999)
New document IconTesting for Successful Open of a Text File During an Agent I/O Call (Tripp W Black 03/06/2003)
New document IconTimeDifference Function to Test if Doc Field/Date Is OverDue (Tripp W Black 05/24/2006)
New document IconTrim Off Trailing Backslash or Returns from a File Path / Folder Path (Tripp W Black 09/12/2012)
New document IconTutorial on Calling Functions In Lotuscript for Modular Programming (Tripp W Black 07/05/2001)
New document IconUndocumented @Formula and LotusScript (Tripp W Black 08/27/2009)
New document IconUnique Elements of a String in Lotuscript Only (Tripp W Black 05/27/2000)
New document IconUpdate Group Owner Field in Directory (Tripp W Black 09/28/2005)
New document IconUpdate Word to Notes or Notes to Word Using a Word Template as the Guide (Tripp W Black 09/21/2000)
New document IconUsername or Internet Address Syntax Utillity Function (Tripp W Black 12/06/2005)
New document IconUsing a Date Parameter in a URL for an Agent & Get Past Weekday (Monday) (Tripp W Black 09/16/2003)
New document IconUsing an Imported Text File - Create Appointment/Schedule with Rounding Capability for Conflicts (Tripp W Black 03/01/2001)
New document IconUsing Lotusscript To Mark Recent Documents For Display On The Web (Tripp W Black 01/12/2002)
New document IconUtility Agent to Suspend Access and Restore Access to Mail User (Tripp W Black 02/09/2011)
New document IconWeek of Month for Today (Tripp W Black 01/11/2006)
New document IconWorkspace.Prompt for OS Folder or File (Tripp W Black 09/23/2012)
New document Icon"Locking Down" db (Tripp W Black 08/26/1999)
New document Icon@DbColumn LotusScript Equivalent (Nicki Black 01/25/2006)
New document Icon@Unique LotusScript Equivalent Function (Tripp W Black 10/02/2003)
Show details for LSX (LotusScript Extensions/Connectors)LSX (LotusScript Extensions/Connectors)
Show details for NavigatorsNavigators
Show details for Parent/Child DocumentsParent/Child Documents
Show details for QuickPlaceQuickPlace
Show details for SametimeSametime
Show details for Software (Re)ConfigurationSoftware (Re)Configuration
Show details for View ColumnsView Columns
Show details for ViewsViews
Show details for ViewTemplatesViewTemplates
Show details for Web/HTTPWeb/HTTP
Show details for XMLXML
Show details for XPagesXPages
Show details for (Not Categorized)(Not Categorized)