Update Group Owner Field in Directory

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 09/28/2005 at 07:55 PM


Notes Developer Tips
Agents, LotusScript

Sub Initialize
Dim w As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase ' current db
Dim col As NotesDocumentCollection ' collection of selected docs
Dim ownersprompt As Variant ' result list from selecting new owner(s)
Dim doc As NotesDocument ' doc in col currently being processed
Dim item As NotesItem ' reusable item fld

Set db=s.CurrentDatabase
Set col=db.UnprocessedDocuments

' test for no docs selected
If col.Count=0 Then
Messagebox "No name(s) selected" , , "Canceled"
Exit Sub
End If

' get new owner list from user
ownersprompt = w.PickListStrings( 0 )
If ( Isempty( ownersprompt ) ) Then
Messagebox "No replacement name(s) selected" , , "Canceled"
Exit Sub
Print "Processing " & Cstr(col.Count) & " documents..."
' replace owner field contents
Set doc=col.GetFirstDocument()
While Not (doc Is Nothing)
' loop and process
If (Lcase(doc.Type(0))="group") Then
Set item= doc.ReplaceItemValue("ListOwner", ownersprompt)
Call doc.Save(True,False)
Print "Updated: " & doc.ListName(0)
Print "Skipped: " & doc.Form(0)
End If
Set doc=col.GetNextDocument(doc)
Print "Processed " & Cstr(col.Count) & " documents. Done."
Messagebox "Completed " & Cstr(col.Count) & " processing documents" , , "Done"
End If

End Sub

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