Fix Broken / Remove Shadow Mail Rules from Mail Application

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/17/2012 at 01:48 AM


Notes Developer Tips

Need to repair broken / hidden (shadow) mail rules the the Calendar Profile.

This solution leaves enabled rules intact. It basically clears the calendar profile and then repopulates it. After you run this, you still may need to Set Rules on the router to re-read the configuration files in the mail files.
(There is a counter field in the profile that tells the router if the rules have been update since last time. If you do nothing, they will auto-update periodically, about 5 minutes.)


The CompactMailRules is based on the R6.5 mail template Rules script library. It was customized by somebody in the R6 and R7 discussion forum. I've added ability to pass a specific mail application to fix.

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