All right, so did anyone say "MSWord is too slow because of the background repagination and so on..." . Fine. So just get rid of it.
Here is my suggestion (and it works) :
' Instantiate your MSWord OLE object
Const OLE_OBJECT = "Word.Application"
Set WordObj = CreateObject ( OLE_OBJECT )
' Backup user's settings on MSWord
intUsersCheckSpellingAsYouType = WordObj.Options.CheckSpellingAsYouType
intUsersCheckGrammarAsYouType = WordObj.Options.CheckGrammarAsYouType
intUsersWindowViewType = WordObj.ActiveWindow.View.Type
' Remove MSWord's "slow" options
WordObj.Options.CheckSpellingAsYouType = False
WordObj.Options.CheckGrammarAsYouType = False
' Remove MSWord background repagination too
' (but you'll have to switch to wdNormalView Window type first, which equals to 1 by the way...)
WordObj.ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdNormalView
intUsersPagination = WordObj.Options.Pagination
WordObj.Options.Pagination = False
' OK, now go ahead...
Call WordObj.Documents.Open("MyDoc.doc")
Set WordDoc = WordObj.ActiveDocument
' TypeText your strings and whatever you want...
' At the very end, restore user's settings on MSWord
WordObj.Options.CheckSpellingAsYouType = intUsersCheckSpellingAsYouType
WordObj.Options.CheckGrammarAsYouType = intUsersCheckGrammarAsYouType
WordObj.Options.Pagination = intUsersPagination
WordObj.ActiveWindow.View.Type = intUsersWindowViewType
' And get rid of MSWord (er... I mean "free your memory")
Set WordObj = Nothing
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