The following code will replace characters in a string with a replacement string similar to @ReplaceString formula.
It also supports multiple characters for the search string (the substring part to be replaced)
Function StrReplaceSlashes(startStr As String, replaceChr As String, newChr As String) As String
Dim newStr As String
On Error GoTo FErrorHandler
newStr = startStr
If (replaceChr = "") Then
StrReplaceSlashes = startStr
End If
Do While InStr(newStr, replaceChr) > 0
newStr = Left$(newStr, InStr(newStr, replaceChr)-1) + newChr + Right$(newStr,Len(newStr)-Instr(newStr, replaceChr))
StrReplaceSlashes = newStr
Exit Function
StrReplaceSlashes = startStr
Resume FExit
End Function
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