
Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 12/01/2009 at 10:53 AM


Notes Developer Tips

doc.ComputeWithForm(False,True) is not computing form fields for new/existing documents.

If they fail on datatype, then no field (and fieldvalue) will be saved. Check the formula for the code.
- Field with value @ThisValue seem to cause validation issues in 8.5 with an error 4000, wrong datatype for field. Use the field name instead as the value for the field.
- Check the datatype for date/time and number fields. If they are wrong, then this is a legit error.
- If a form field gives an error when used normally by opening and saving, then obviously the compute-with-form can fail, along with the validation.
- If a field is missing (didn't compute/get added) and the field is on a subform on the form, then it won't compute in R7 and R8. Add the field to the form directly.

Fields with Formula based on themselves don't behave. For example:
- Field count w/value count + 1, to get all fields computewithform often computes twice. Your counter can skip a number. Use a different field.

Computed fields WILL compute once with this call (R5 and later, at least).

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