With list of dates, need to get earliest or latest dates.
LotusScript Example of LATEST Date.
Function GetLatestDate
Description: Checks list of dates to see which date is the latest using as string list of dates
Function GetLatestDate(dateLst() As String) As String
Dim tmp1NDT As NotesDateTime ' 1st comparison
Dim tmp2NDT As NotesDateTime ' 2nd comparison
Dim counter As Long ' counter for dateLst
Dim tmp1date As String ' temp string for tmp1NDT
Dim tmp2date As String ' temp string for tmp1NDT
tmp1date = ""
tmp2date = ""
For counter = 0 To UBound(dateLst())
tmp2date = dateLst(counter)
If Not (tmp2date="") Then
' compare with first date
If (tmp1NDT Is Nothing) Then
' no 1st date to compare, this date wins by default
tmp1date = tmp2date
Set tmp1NDT = New NotesDateTime(tmp1date)
' which date is earlier
Set tmp2NDT = New NotesDateTime(tmp2date)
If (tmp2NDT Is Nothing) Then
' skip testing new date, as passed date is invalid, current one if any wins
' compare dates
If (tmp2NDT.Timedifferencedouble(tmp1NDT) < 0) Then
' tmp2NDT is earlier, keep current date
' tmp2NDT is later, replace current testing date
tmp1date = tmp2date
Set tmp1NDT = New NotesDateTime(tmp2date)
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next counter
' return latest date
GetLatestDate = tmp1date
End Function
@Formula for R6 or Later to Get Latest Date
tmpAllDates:=@ToTime(@Trim( @Text(Fld1) : @Text(Fld2) : @Text(Fld3) : @Text(Fld4) );
@For(n := 1;
n <= @Elements(tmpAllDates);
n := n + 1;
tmpdate:=@If(tmpdate=""; tmpAllDates[n]; tmpdate< tmpAllDates[n]; tmpAllDates[n]; tmpdate)
@SetField("Frm_LastDateFld"; tmpdate);
Pseudo @Formula Code for Pre-R6:
Collect all dates into a list, use @date to get date portion and @trim to trim out empty elements
AllDates:=(@TextToTime(@Trim( Date1: Date2: ....:Date9))
TotElements = @elements(AllDates); REM"How many do we have"
IF TotElements = 0 EarliestDate = "" @return
EarliestDate = Subset(AllDates;1)
IF TotElements = 1 @return REM "well there is nothing more to check
if EarliestDate < @subset(AllDates; 2) THEN EarliestDate= @subset(Alldates;2)
if TotElements = 2 ; @return("") 'Check Have we reached the max no. of valid entries
if EarliestDate < @subset(AllDates; 3) THEN EarliestDate= @subset(Alldates; 3)
if TotElements = 3 ; @return("") 'Check Have we reached the max no. of valid entries
Go on with the 2 lines incrementing the numbers till you achieve your max permissible entries..
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