View Selection Using @Name( CN]; @UserName)

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/26/1999 at 07:51 PM


Notes Developer Tips
Formulas, Views

Thursday, 4/01/99 5:23 PM EST
HELP!!!! View Selection Using @Name( CN]; @UserName)
@Formulas - Code Request

How come when I do a view selection and I use Author = @Name([CN];@UserName) it doesnt work? Some users
see thier own requests, and some users see other requests and some users see no requests. Also, I have tried
this as EmpName = @Name([CN];@UserName). I have tried empName = @Name([CN];$UpdatedBy). I have tried
parenthesis around all and around sections like EmpName = (@Name([CN];@UserName)). Nothing seems to
WORK!!! I have even used the previous selection criteria while specifiying the form too! I am pulling my hair out!
Thanks in advance!


Craig Gibbons
Thursday, 4/01/99 6:38 PM EST
Re: HELP!!!! View Selection Using @Name( CN]; @UserName)

I had to do exactly the same thing today. The problem you are having is that the view index is being retained
from session to session. Go into view properties and look for the tab with the helicopter cap icon. There you will
see two option for view indecis. The top one says "Refresh Index" set this to "Auto after first use", then set the
"Discard Index" option to "After each use", this will force a view index refresh each time the view is accessed.

Hope this solves your problem

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