Sample code to Display Percentage of Documents Based on Key Field: Key field: Doc_LastDocNo. (Think of LastDocNo field as a Ubound) Flag Fields: S1Flg - SnFlg (One for each subsection/child doc) tmptotal:=@TextToNumber(Doc_LastDocNo); tmpcount:=0; REM {Using tmptotal loop through the section fields and get the percentage completed}; @For(n := 1; n <= tmptotal; n := n + 1; tmpcount := tmpcount + @TextToNumber(@GetField("S" + @Text(n) + "Flg"))); REM {Since complete flag is '2', divide tmpcount by 2, divide that by tmptotal}; tmp:=(tmpcount/2) / tmptotal; REM {Convert to persentage. 0 decimals}; @Text(@Round(tmp*100)) + "% of Sections" + @NewLine + "Marked Complete" __________________________________________________________________ If you don't have all users completing all sections/child docs, but instead have a hide/when field master list, loop instead on that list: Key field: Doc_TypeSections Flag Fields: S1Flg - SnFlg (One for each subsection/child doc) tmpfld:=Doc_TypeSections; tmptotal:=@Elements(tmpfld); tmpcount:=0; REM {Using tmptotal loop through the applicable section fields using the list of fields in tmpfld and get the percentage completed}; @For(n := 1; n <= tmptotal; n := n + 1; tmpcount := tmpcount + @TextToNumber(@GetField("S" + tmpfld[n] + "Flg"))); REM {Since complete flag is '2', divide tmpcount by 2, divide that by tmptotal}; tmp:=(tmpcount/2) / tmptotal; REM {Convert to persentage. 0 decimals}; @Text(@Round(tmp*100)) + "% of Sections" + @NewLine + "Marked Complete"