Folder was added in a branch with the incorrect folder case:
e.g. Should be FolderName instead of Foldername.
Github sees the two as two different folders, and the end user Linux system does as well.
The Github UI doesn't have a folder rename option.
To rename a folder using a local git bash client:
repo: reponame
branch: master
folder: OSUtils (correct)
The dev branch has folder as OSutils which is incorrect, stopping proper promotion.
$ cd ~/
$ git checkout dev
$ git mv OSutils to OSUtils2
$ git mv OSUtils2 to OSUtils
$ git status
<view output - should show the folder renamed twice>
$ git add .
(if not green)
$ git commit -m "Rename folder to correct case"
$ git push
View it github and confirm the folder renamed. Create the normal pull request to the production master branch.
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