Keyboard shortcuts and other functions to use in Blender.
Blender Version:
Most Blender versions, unless changed by user preference.
Left MB | Place 3D Cursor |
Right MB | Select |
Middle MB | Pan View |
Roll Middle MB | Zoom |
A | Select All or None |
Alt A | Play Animation in View |
Shift A | Show Add Menu |
C | Circle (Brush) select |
Shift D | Duplicate |
E (Edit mode) | Extrude |
F (Edit mode) | Create face/edge |
G | Grab / Move |
Alt G | Clear location |
H | Hide Selection |
Alt H | Reveal all hidden selections |
I | Insert keyframe |
Control J | Join selected objects |
M | Move selection to layer |
N | Show properties sidebar or hide sidebar |
P (Edit mode) | Separate to new object |
Control P | Make parent |
Alt P | Clear parent |
R | Rotate |
Alt R | Clear rotation |
S | Scale |
Alt S | Clear scale |
U (Edit Mode) | Unwrap mesh |
W (Edit Mode) | Specials menu |
Control S | Save file |
X | Delete selection |
Control Z | Undo |
Control Shift Z | Redo |
Spacebar | Show search menu |
Tab | Go into Edit mode / Object mode |
Alt RMB | Select all vertices / faces / lines in a row |
Z | X-ray / hide planes |
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