OS X Mavericks Upgrade Breaks IBM Notes 9.0

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 10/24/2013 at 01:36 AM


Using Lotus Notes
Issue Troubleshooting

Upgraded from OS X 10.8 and OS X 10.9 Mavericks. After installation completes and workstation restarts, IBM Lotus Notes bounces once in the doc, but never starts. (The start screen doesn't even display.)

Java SE 6.x / SE 7.x was removed by the OS X 10.9 upgrade. Installation of Java fixed the issue. IBM Notes 9 starts normally after installation. However, the client is SLOW especially if you let it just run several hours or overnight. Notes 8.5.x on OS X 10.8 and earlier runs faster than our PCs which are supposedly faster. Runs faster than XP or Windows 7 VM in VMware Fusion on the same Mac.

OS X 10.9 and Notes 9 have seen lots of random crashes. Two were proven consistent and have SPRs:
1. Issue w/crash at shutdown.
2. Issue w/crash in Mail with local update configs from policies.

Notes 9.0.1 does fix the bulk of the Notes 9 crash issues. However, it seems even slower than Notes 9 on OS X 10.7, 10.8, or 10.9.
We are still seeing a LOT of spinning pinwheel temporary "hang" issues and other slowness w/Lotus 9 on Mac since upgrade from Notes 8.5.3.x and OS X 10.8. Ram, disk, and CPU, all show plentiful.
We have reverted most of our users back to Notes 8.5.3 on 10.8 or Notes 8.5.3 on 10.9.

OS X 10.9.x breaks ARP in the network. This causes Notes 9, Firefox, and just about every other app to display hang issues and network time-outs. Search this support site for the network ARP fix. This fixes the strange time-out issues and especially transfers of files.

Notes 9.0.1 FP2 now seems to have fixed the overnight slowdown issue along with click the check mark to NOT put IBM Notes 9 to sleep. The client is still not nearly as fast as the Notes 8.5.x client was on OS X but it is stable and is still responsive after not being used for a while or left overnight.

Instructions to not put Notes 9 to sleep when minimized or window is covered:
1. Right click IBM Notes 9 application in finder, and choose Get Info.
2. Enable / check the option "Prevent App Nap", and close the window.

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