Notes 10 Startup Taking Minutes instead of Seconds on MS Windows 10

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/29/2019 at 12:57 PM


Using Lotus Notes
Issue Troubleshooting

Notes appears to hang, or start sloooooooowly, very slowly, taking almost minutes w/SSD drive.

Was not Notes 10 FP issue. Reverting back to previous versions did NOT help.

Found a post from Hogne; and sure enough, it was not a Notes issue but updates from Defender in MS Windows again.


1. Window Menu (open field) --> type Virus --> pick Virus & threat protection
On the next window, under Virus & thread protection settings, under No action needed, (ironic, isn't it), choose Manage settings.
On the next window, under Exclusions, click the + (plus) symbol to Add an exclusion.

2. Repeat the plus symbol for each of the following exclusions.
Add an exclusion --> Process --> nlnotes.exe
Add an exclusion --> Process --> notes2.exe
Add an exclusion --> Process --> notes.exe
Add an exclusion --> Process --> ntaskldr.exe
Add an exclusion --> Process --> nsd.exe
Add an exclusion --> Process --> admin.exe
Add an exclusion --> Process --> designer.exe

Add an exclusion --> File Type --> nsf
Add an exclusion --> File Type --> ntf
Add an exclusion --> File Type --> ndk

If you do the processes, the Notes client speed was restored to < 3 second start-up, w/in VMware Fusion, running on Mac Mini, and Macbook Pro. Adding in the file types aftewards, didn't seem to actually speed up start-up, but it didn't hurt either.
As Hogne mentioned, you can also exclude the filepath to your Notes program and data folder(s).

If you are running a Domino server, then exclude all the typical server processes:
nserver.exe, nservice.exe, nadminp.exe, nrouter.exe, etc.

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