Obscure Issue with @DBLookup Returning "DBD cannot get list of address books..." Instead of Lookup Values Typically Returned

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 09/06/2017 at 05:16 PM


Using Lotus Notes
Issue Troubleshooting

Field had following value:
DBD cannot get the list of address books for the local server

The issue occurred in an "On My Computer" / Local replica of an app. The field displaying the error message uses a keyword picklist that references a CFD field. That field does a @DBLookup for keywords. That CFD field produced this message. Since the @DBLookup is a "this" app lookup, it should be impossible for it to error out unless the keyword document was deleted (which it wasn't).

To fix the data problem, I simply re-opened it (on the server), change the values (now that @DbLookup is working), and saving the document again.

In looking on the IBM fix list site, this issue was submitted as a SPR# AKNX7UTTPN back in 8.5.2/8.5.3 days, and if shows up for anyone again would be fixed in a future release.
I then expanded my searched again with the PMR number and the error in the Domino forums, sure enough it was experienced and discussed by several folks.

The solution what fixed it for the the users in Domino 8 discussion forum was to turn off the MS Windows workstation Compress feature for the local replicas of all Notes apps affected in the client's Notes/Data folder.

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