Re-Install / Wipe Personal Info for Mac Notes 7 / Notes 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/29/2008 at 04:45 PM


Email Setup
Lotus Notes

There are two folders that are the setup for the Notes client software on the Mac. Remove the files in these folders.

~ = your user directory (e.g. /Users/Design/Library/...

~/Library/Preferences/Notes Preferences
1. The Mac preferences folder is basically your notes.ini. To start over, delete the file in the folder: ~/Library/Preferences/Notes Preferences

~/Library/Application Support/HCL Notes Data
2. The data folder contains the equivalent of the /lotus/notes/data/ on the PC or the /local/notesdata/ folder on the Linux server. To start over, delete the folder. The folder name changes over the releases as below:
Notes R7:
~/Library/Application Support/Lotus Notes Data.

R8 and R9:
~/Library/Application Support/IBM Notes Data.

R11 and R12:
~/Library/Application Support/HCL Notes Data.

When you start Notes the next time, you should be prompted to go through setup.

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