Lotus Notes 6.5 / 7.0 - Opening Mail

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 07/18/2007 at 07:00 PM


Email Setup
Lotus Notes

Opening Mail

1. Start Lotus Notes by ...
a. Double-click the Lotus Notes icon on the desktop.
b. Launch the program via the Start menu,
choose Start --> Programs --> Lotus Applications --> Lotus Notes

2. If your ID requires a password or Single-Sign on is not being used, enter your Lotus password and click OK.

3. After successful login, you mail can be access several ways...
a. Click the top icon of an envelope on the vertical toolbar on the left.
b. If using the standard, "Basic" welcome page, click the large "Mail" icon in the center of the page.
c. Click the envelope icon in the lower right corner of the Notes window. Left click the "Open Mail" option.

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